Thursday, November 03, 2005

And You Thought I Forgot....

*It hasn't been for a lack of want to. Honestly. First of all I have to type this entry virtually mistake free because the computer Jessie and I have been relegated to doesn't have a functional delete key, making life difficult.

Secondly, I've been working six day weeks for the last month in a desperate attempt to get our store's numbers up so I can get my bonus. Despite my attempts, we failed and I get no bonus and thus, its going to be a long November.

*The reason I'm using this crappy laptop is because lately we've had the luxury of using the church I've been leading worship at's sweet laptop. Well, we left the church. That should be enough said on that....

*Tonight I was thrown back in drums. I know nothing about drums and, I swear to God, it is impossible to get the department not looking like godzilla played an intense game of hoops against my new look Wolves and then puked all over the floor.

*Hank just drank water. Not that its unusual, the boys usually drink gallons every day and then wake up at four in the morning wanting us to let them out (thanks for doing that, Jess). However, he got his nuts taken off today. I just can't imagine what that would be like when you walk into the doctor's office not knowing what's going on and wake up saying "What the...who took my balls away???" If you guys come see them sometime, just let them know that they are still very masculine. But alas, they're whining in the bedroom and I need to go and let them know that I think they are still very manly.

I'll be better. Promise.


bradley said...

It's good to have you back, man

Anonymous said...

dogs don't give a crap about their balls. It's just you.

Marty said...

I disagree. They've were overly obsessed with licking them before the surgery.

Anonymous said...

Dude, while this post was amazing you still have yet to say a damned thing about race cars and it is killing me.