Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Day After Tomorrow

*I, like many Americans on Tuesday nights, have made it a ritual to partake in My Name Is Earl and The Office (although I do recognize the superiority of the British version). Anyways, on the most recent episode of the latter Pam and Jim found out that Dwight thought it was Friday when it was really Thursday. Seeing as they have the propensity to give Dwight hell, (as I think we all would) they allowed him to think this through the entire day with hilarious consequenses.

Why do I bring this up you ask? Upon further review by myself I have had the same misconception for about the last two weeks. I'm serious, every single day I think its Friday and have been talking to people like it is. Having two non consecutive days off can really throw me off, I guess. I'm OK...

*Its snowing. Fox 9 is probably shutting down the studios in preperation for a global ice age. Its OK newscasters, even though you are probably not from Minnesota and hate everything about this state as you clinch you jaw and pretend you just love the Vikings, we are Minnesotans and know how to deal with this catostrauphic powder falling from the sky. Keep up the phony laughs.

*I'm going through the painstaking task of changing over my email account. Lycos only gave me 5mb of storage. Google gives me 2665mb of storage. Hard choice, I know. UPDATE YOUR RECORDS! My new email address is

*Keep it loose, child; keep it tight.


bradley said...

Then you can imagine my horror as I returned home at 8:57 Tuesday night specifically to watch the magnificent duo only to find my roommate and his girlfriend downstairs with the TV on preparing to watch House. House is a good show, maybe one of the best on TV, but nothing compared to the Office, which I think is slightly superior to Earl, though I love Jason Lee. Anyway, I missed it and it sucks. I'm going to look for it online...

Anonymous said...

Paul Douglas's real name is Douglas Paul.

bradley said...

I just watched the British version for the first time, and I have to disagree. I think Steve Carrell is a better boss and I like the Jim/Pam romance story a lot in the new one. Dwight is also better.

Anonymous said...

I posted a drunk comment in your myspace. I'm sorry. Drunk.

Marty said...

that's because you saw the american version first, brad. you're so cute when you are jingoistic.