Friday, December 02, 2005

Pizza, TV and...What Else Is There?

*Wow, what a week. For all of you who care my birthday was better than planned. Yeah, work sucked, but I pulled through and when I got home Jessie made me a Freschetta frozen pizza. It was amazing.

I now can allow you to hear my keyboard that I have speakers on and the Vikes-Browns game that my boss took me to looked much better through my new binoculars (my boss never looked at the cheerleaders that were ten rows away through them). Good times.

*Probably my most exciting gift, however, was from Jessie. It was Tivo. Maybe I can finally watch Lost like the rest of my family. I have been the red- headed step child when my Tivo obsessed family starts waxing poetic about this season's most heart pounding thriller. Out of defiance I didn't Tivo Lost. I just can't jump in right in the middle and besides, the youngest is supposed to rebel. And I'm too good for that damn show. Just like I'm too good for Harry Potter. Just like I'm too good for Coheed and Cambria. Just like I'm too good for finishing this blog and putting a period at the end of this sentence