Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Where Jesus Wept

I'm forcing myself to blog right now.  Not that I don't want to, but as many of you know, after so much has gone on in your life you don't know where to start.  In reality, however, when I think about it I don't have a lot to say that you would truly care about.

This move has been stressful.  All the reasons I've bitched about before are suddenly upon me.  I mean, the store is doing great.  I'm fine on that front- the guys love me, I'm on schedule, I'm bringing this town to its knees- but the move....

We just found a place to rent.  I was driving around SuFu (for some reason Sioux Falls kids call this town SuFu) with my new buddy Josh and said "Hey, wanna see the place we're gonna live in?"  He obliged.  We drove around and all I could remember the house was on the corner and had some sweet gardens.  After slowing down in front of five houses and saying "There it is...wait must be further down" we came to a house that i drove by because the gardens looked way too extravagent to be ours.  Well, after closer inspection this house with the immaculate gardens was ours.  Its amazing.  And the landloard does all the yardwork.  We win.

But we have to rent our house now.  I don't even want to talk about it (unless you want to live there).

Seriously, I'm trying to think of more things that you would care about.  I can't.  Most likely because I don't want to get into it.  That's just the way I am.

For those of you who haven't planned the fall trip out here to SoDak you better get on the bus.  We have spare rooms to spare.

Honestly, we miss you.  Thanks for the support through this whole thing.

1 comment:

alison said...

you know it wouldn't be hard for you to convince nate and i to come.. well maybe me cause i dont like long trips, but nate has been pestering me about visiting you guys... so maybe we will