Friday, July 21, 2006

It Just Keeps Striking Me.

I know I'm not saying much in these posts, and I'm sorry about that.  Today I was looking at my actualy profile on myspace and saw that my location said that i live in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  I live in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  I live in Sioux Falls?????

I live in Sioux Falls.



alison said...

I know what you mean. Or how you feel. Or whatever. Its so weird to not live in MN. It gets easier, i promise.

Anonymous said...

yes, but your blog location hasn't changed. I guess, like us, you still want to live in denial. I know i do. Marty, why did you leave us???

Hope you're doing well.

Lots of love (that's gross, I know)