Thursday, July 20, 2006

Thus Far Its Been a Whirlwind

*So all I can say is holy crap.  Calling 20 people a day, interviewing ten and trying to manage everything else involved with this move has been crazy.  Its been hard at times, its been fun at times, but most of all its been stretching at all times and I love it.  Please give me a call when you read this.  I am a tad lonely out here and would love to hear a familer voice.  If I don't pick up I'll call back.  Promise.


alison said...

hey marty! i just wanted to know i am thinking of you.. i check your blog every day to see how you are doing, so i'm glad you finally posted. even though we never see you normally, somehow knowing you are in south dakota makes me miss you more. i hope everything is going well. we love you!

bradley said...

Quote: If I don't pick up I'll call back. Promise.

I called you two days ago. I want to talk to you. I'm unemployed, so you can call me any time. ANY time.

bradley said...

Thought you might be interested in this.

Topic: Is Guitar Center a good investment: