Monday, May 15, 2006

Like River Phoenix From the Ashes....

Well, my friends, the time has finally arrived. I will no longer have an excuse to not blog, at least a computer excuse that is. I sold the keyboard just so I could be more connected with the likes of you turds. Please welcome a new Mac Mini to the Rowles household. Pretty exciting if you ask me. For you spec geeks: 1.5GHZ single core processor with the Intel chip set, 1 gig of ram on the motherboard upgradable to 2 gigs, 60 gig hard drive and the ever famous Superdrive DVDRW. $700. Brand new.

Its been a busy couple of months. I didn't say exciting, just busy. Work has kept me very occupied and at times wanting to pursue a career in shoveling manure out of a burning vat of acid, but I'm plugging away and hopefully in at year, if things go as planned I will chugging beers with fellow store managers at the manager retreat. GC is sending me off to LA for a manager in training workshop for a couple of days in mid-June (Bradley, I truly hope my schedule allows us a romantic evening together). Other than that for the most part I'm just stressed out of my mind. All I can think about is work and my numbers. I can't tell if I want my own store for the pay or just to get the heck out of commissioned sales. It kills me. However, a light does exist at the end of the tunnel, or should I say weekend. Jessie and I are headed up to the cabin to finally relax and get some much needed walleye in our lives. As King David and Jeff Buckley once said, "Hallelujah."

And hallelujah is right.


bradley said...

Come on. Why do you say hallelujah when it means nothing to you?

That romantic evening sounds delightful. I'll get working on the corsage.


alison said...

i thought of you the other day.. it seems there are 3 guitar center grand openings in my area this week... why dont you just relocate to chicago and get this love affair with nate started? maybe jessie and i could be roommates.