Wednesday, March 05, 2008

You Know What I Think?

*I think that you're both the same candidate when it comes down to it. At this point I don't care who wins, I just want the stupidity to end.

*I think that either of you will be good for the country...for four to eight years. The changes that you speak of will take a lot longer than that. In four to eight years we're sick of you. We want change again. What can I say- I, They, America, all have A.D.D. And we fidget.

*I think that you should stop fooling people into thinking that your health care plans mean anything. Neither will pass. Stop talking about it to gain some fake sympathy votes. It's far more realistic to patch up the broken system rather than overhauling it.

*I think that education is still important. I know that not everyone thinks that, but c'mon you two. Can we hear you talk about anything besides health care, the war, and the economy? I know, I know, those are extremely important, but I want to hear more.

*I think your change is good. Let's be honest though- the change you speak of will, for the most part, not happen. As much as you want it what Romney said his entire campaign is true. Washington is broken. You're all Washington.

*I think you you both speak of important things. Things that, yes, should change. But you're biting off more than you can chew. More than America can chew. You're biting off more than we can afford. Be honest and realistic.

*I think I love what you stand for, but sometimes you get so caught up in the ineffectiveness of the current administration that you have given everybody an out. Personal responsibility be damned, just blame W. For everything.

*I think your government is very big. I think I get confused by your desire to stay out of our moral lives (which I thank you for), but then dictate where my finances are spent. I know it's idealistic, but why can't I invest into programs and ideas that I see worthy?

*I think that I can say things like this all the time, but in the same breath...

...God, America still needs help. Can we just make sure that honest people don't lose their houses? That our roads are still safe? That are kids are well educated? I don't have the answers. I wish you did, but I know that's asking too much right now.

*I think I am making a conscious to choose moral ethics over economic policy. That still may change though. I think that for me, the bi partisan system makes me choose either my value system or my wallet. That kind of sucks.

*I think you're all still politicians. You all did whatever you needed to do to get to the top. There is never going to be the perfect candidate.


Marty said...

Perfectly said honey.

Jessie said...

That wasn't Marty giving himself props...whoops

Corinne said...

Where Are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bradley said...

Reading it now makes it funny. :)
