Sunday, January 29, 2006

I'll Tell You My Dirty Little Secret

*Soooo...I leave for Madison on Thursday. Soooo...I have to wake up at four in the morning to get me and my co workers there. They have me working in accessories at the big G.O. out there. I frickin' hate accessories. Its the remidial class in the school of Guitar Center. Crap. By the way for those not 'hip' to the GC language G.O. is grand opening. While out there I'm going to free to T.O. myself into dialing the GP and GS and by GPQC'ing everyone in the store and adding a PG to every qualifying ticket. Get me the hell away from that place. Someone? Anyone? Its creeping into my pores. The other night I was up late and caught myself wondering what I should change my approval password to. I dream about the frickin' place non stop, my venacular resembles that of an arrogant rockstar, and for God's sake (and worst of all) the other day I was sitting at home bored off my rocker and the thought entered my mind 'maybe I should just go into work.' Then I decided I had better things to do like NHL 2K6...or slowly tearing my fingernails off on by one....The saddest thing is I complain, but in my heart of hearts I know I love my job. And that is my sad existence.

*Shouldn't I have more to blog about than this? I mean, its been so long....I guess not...Here's the latest quiz. Just a precursor to this one- the moment I saw this quiz I knew from the get go who I was going to be. I mean, if it isn't obvious to you that I'm Tyra you just simply don't know me well enough. As a matter of fact the whole time I was thinking "Don't be Tyra, don't be Tyra, don't be Tyra!" After all, this outcome to me is predictable and boring and we all know that variety is the spice of both your life and mine....

Take the quiz:
Which Victoria's Secret Angel are you?

Tyra Banks
You are easygoing, sweet, and care for others!

*And while we're on the topic of sercrets....

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Things I Shouldn't Watch

*A couple nights ago Jess and I were talking about our finances and I had mentioned some thing I saw on Oprah that was a pretty good idea. She gave me a funny look and I knew immedietly that I had let the cat out of the bag. But let me with Tivo we have a season pass for Oprah and sometimes I might see what the topic is. Afterall, sometimes she has KG or Lebron or some topic that maybe can relate to me. As many of you know I'm a talk radio junkie and the way I see it Oprah can be like talk radio only on TV....I'm sorry I'm only trying to justify it. I know that's not possible. I know its also not possible to justify how I stayed up until 1 AM riveted to my TV watching Project Runway on Bravo...As Jessie slept next to me...and I was the one who chose the programming. Now you know- this is what marriage does to you.

*I'm getting my computer fixed starting Friday. I hope. Go Drew, go.

*I now work on Sundays. I always promised myself that I would never work Sundays, but Z (my boss) sees it as some kind of trial by fire to see how well me and my co-manager do with no adult supervision....Sucker.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

1 Month, 1 Day and What Happened In Between

*It actually is your fault for having so much faith in me. I know in your mind you thought, "Oh, Marty is busy, but that doesn't mean he'll completely neglect his blog." As a matter of fact, that is precicely what it meant. After all, why would I want to talk to you guys after working all day? I mean, you all are kind of rude....

*Anyways this is what happened in my sabbatical...ready???...I worked. Too hard.

*Doesn't it feel good to be caught up?